Trial by Jury & other G&S gems (Loosely Woven)

1.30pm + 6pm, Saturday 13th April 2019

Loosely Woven
Publicity Material

Poster (PDFJPG)
Leaflet (PDF - 3up) 

A full production of Gilbert & Sullivan's hilarious comic opera 'Trial by Jury' together with a selection of other G&S gems!

Loosely Woven is a community based group of people who put together and perform two to three new shows each year. Loosely Woven is the main reason Gial and I bought the former Allambie Heights Uniting Church and established Humph Hall in the first place.

'Trial by Jury' is by far the most ambitious project ever undertaken by Loosely Woven in its 24 year history.  Rehearsals began a year ago (in addition to last year's three brand new concerts).  We are very fortunate to have the amazing Christine Logan (from Endangered Productions) directing us together with the musical assistance and participation of Opera Australia's Peter Alexander.

There will be 12 performances including two here at Humph Hall, four in old court houses around the state and two at The National Folk Festival in Canberra.  

The performance will be accompanied by an 8 piece orchestra with two violins, two flutes, clarinet, trumpet, cello & piano.

"I LOVE being moved by the beautiful and varied song choices, stunning arrangements, the message of the songs and the emotional connection to the songs."

" . . . this fascinating and fun-filled group provided an excellent afternoon of entertainment!"

"Once again a great performance.  I have seen performances by choirs this year and they are not a patch on your concert . . . the quality of the performance was exceptional this year.  I have never met anyone who did not leave one of your concerts without their spirits greatly uplifted."

"Loosely Woven is unique. An amoebic mass of performing musicians, singers and dancers who range from absolute beginners to the classically trained and even boasting a music professor. The group, ranging in age from 20 to 70, ebbs and flows with a constant influx of newcomers, frequent recidivists and a small core of foundation members."

"Loosely Woven groupies never know what the next concert will bring, and that's the way we like it! Keep your eyes peeled for the next one and make a big effort to attend – you won't regret it!"