An evening with Les Barker's breakfast [Online]

7.30pm, Sunday 17th January 2021 (Sydney time)

Les Barker Audience 200.jpgIn April 2010 the third ever 'house concert' took place in Humph Hall featuring the hugely popular UK poet Les Barker who had the capacity audience (over 90 people) roaring with laughter from beginning to end!  Click here if you'd like to watch this concert.

Ten years on I have the great pleasure of inviting you to participate in an interactive online Zoom session with Les which I have called 'An evening with Les Barker's breakfast'.  In Les's own words:

Mr Barker will pause in mid-porridge to share an hour or so’s poetry and conversation with whoever’s around at whatever time it is wherever you are. Then he’ll give his breakfast another minute in the microwave and finish it off, but you don’t have to watch that bit.

If you'd like to make a contribution towards Les (he hasn't had many festivals to attend recently!), you can do so by booking through Humanitix otherwise simply click here any time from 7.20pm on Sunday 17th.

Alternatively, use your Zoom application to join with these details:

Meeting #: 00023750 (Password: humph)

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need any help with the technology or anything else.  

Wayne (02) 9939 8802 or (0400) 803 804.

"He may be the best writer of parodies and wordplays that the English-speaking world has ever heard." - Tom Nelligan, Dirty Linen

"There are subtleties which you didn't notice the first time round, and there are clever puns and turns of phrase so good you look forward to hearing them again." - Caroline Walker, Folk Roots

"This man is a genuine genius of comic rhyme who appeals to people of all ages with a truly entertaining family show. I have seen him reduce a whole marquee full of festival goers at Victor Harbor to a mass of helpless laughter and aching sides." - Ron Ashton, Port Lincoln Times, Australia

"Les Barker is the greatest comedy talent we possess . . . this is probably the funniest tape I have ever heard. He's a master at exploiting the idiosyncracies of the English language, weaving in myth and history to build bizarre stories." - Agraman, City Life

"Idiot Returns" - South Australian newspaper headline

"The Lancashire monologist equivalent of Tom Lehrer . . . scintillating daftness, absurdity run amok." - Ken Hunt, Q Magazine

"The man's a comic genius with a solid presence in folk music and at folk festivals." - Don Mills.

"He proved a masterful wordsmith, captivating listeners with his quirky verse and playful personality, touching on occasional tables, snails in a fast food restaurant and dachshunds with erections. His gallery of unlikely heroes included Cosmo the fairly accurate knife thrower, Arnold the Armadillo and Spot of the Antarctic. Truly a prince of the pun and sultan of the surreal." - Jo Laval

"At his best, he is an inspired genius. The only man who could produce work to match 'Deja vu' was the late great Spike Milligan." - Dai Woosnam


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