Roger Montgomery & John Angliss, are Dingo's Breakfast, WA's popular touring folk act.
The Dingo's Breakfast tour every summer in the eastern states of Australia, appearing at the very best of the festivals, clubs and venues. Once again they will be joined by the wonderfully talented Alison Boyd!
With decades of performance experience under their belts, The Dingo's Breakfast present an electrically eclectic dialectic selection of Oz Music, Poetry and Yarnspinning, with the accent firmly on Comedy . . Beauty!
Dingo’s Breakfast concerts are a wonderful mix of Traditional and Contemporary Australian and Irish Songs, lavishly salted with an edgy slam of Performance Poetry. The Dingo’s have comprehensively proved that Performance Poetry is not just for breakfasts any more.
On this occasion they will be presenting a special themed show entitled: ‘From Connacht, Where the White Rocks Grow’ Tales from the Irish Diaspora, from ‘Orrible Oliver to the World’s Goldfields, from deportation to the West Indies to Australia, ending up back in England as the Irish Navvies built the Canals, the Railways, including the Underground, and the Motorways . . a powerful selection of songs welded together with typically pithy Dingo dialogue.
Visit their web site.
Watch the YouTube video clip 'Where have all the rangers gone?" made the last time The Dingo's were at Humph Hall.Save
"Dingo's Breakfast are the thylacine's bollocks" - Vin Garbutt