Andsome Friends

3pm, Saturday 15th September

Andsome Friends
Publicity Material

Poster (PDFJPG)
Leaflet (PDF - 3up) 

Andsome Friends sing contemporary a cappella music with a clear view of the past. Whether a suite of Irish slip jigs with Australian lyrics, a Baroque fugue about recycling, or an a cappella mash up of 1960s tv themes, their music provokes smiles, oohs and aahs, and fevered requests to know ‘when are you releasing your album?’

Miguel Heatwole founded the group in 2009 to record a collection of his original compositions and arrangements, and its long-awaited release is scheduled for 2019. 

Based in Sydney, the group’s members have previously been, or currently are, involved in a variety of other musical projects: Ecopella, Monsieur Camembert, Solidarity Choir, The Shwa, The Fossickers, Touchwood, Vox Humana, and Cloud Ten.  Two tracks, written by Terry Clinton, feature the vihuela da mano but otherwise the music is all unaccompanied.

Visit their Facebook page.

"You guys were simply fantastic!" - Brian Jonathan (NSW Folk Federation)

"Superb and most enjoyable performance Miguel & your 'Andsome Friends'! - Kate Maclurcan


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